速報APP / 財經 / Zenith Bank eaZymoney

Zenith Bank eaZymoney



檔案大小:14.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Zenith Bank eaZymoney(圖1)-速報App

Banking on the go just got even easier with Zenith Bank’s mobile banking app. Get access to your accounts 24 hours a day from wherever you are, transfer funds, pay bills and experience the freedom of banking on your terms. This mobile app eliminates the need of funding your mobile wallet before initiating payments and airtime purchases

How do I Register?

Users can register as an Internet banking user or a non-Internet banking user, to register as internet banking user, you will need your hardware token, providing your Internet banking PIN and the OTP but a non-internet banking user would need his mobile number setup for alertz on his registered account to receive an SMS soft token

A. Internet banking User;

a. Enter your account number, (Ensure the internet banking user is selected)

b. Read Terms & Conditions and send request

c. Create a password (password is numeric and 6 digits, this will be used to log-in to the app)

d. Next, create a MOBILE PIN; Numeric and 4 digits (which is an alternate means for consummating transactions)

e. You will be asked to enter your PIN + TOKEN (For authentication)

f. Once successful, the next page you will see is the LOGIN PAGE, to start using the service, enter your account number registered and your password created during registration

B. Non- Internet banking user

a. Create a password (password is numeric and 6 digits, this will be used to log-in to the app)

b. Next, create a MOBILE PIN; Numeric and 4 digits (which is the only means for a non-internet banking user to consummate transactions)

c. You will be asked to enter your OTP received as SMS on your registered alertz number

d. Once successful, the next page you will see is the LOGIN PAGE, to start using the service, enter your account number registered and your password created during registration

1. After successfully registration, , the next time you call up the app, you will be directed straight to the login page

2. Registration is one time

Our redesigned app puts all the services you need at your fingertips, enabling you do all the following:

Zenith Bank eaZymoney(圖2)-速報App

• Account Balance Enquiry

• View all your accounts (Current, Savings, Fixed Deposit, Domiciliary and Card accounts)

• Money Transfers

• Between your accounts

• To any Zenith account

• To accounts in other banks

• Bills payments

• Cheques:

• Stop cheques

• Cheque book requests

• Cheque confirmation

• Cards

• Deactivate cards

• Activate cards

• Manage your account

o Change Password

o Change Mobile PIN

o Change Authentication methods

Zenith Bank eaZymoney(圖3)-速報App

o Add and delete beneficiaries

• Recurring Payments/Standing Order

• Schedule transfers, Airtime purchases and Bill Payments.

• Airtime Purchase

• Zenith Near me : Locate Zenith Bank branches and ATMs

In addition, Customers can easily switch to eaZymoney using the icon on the bottom left of the login screen;

eaZymoney, Zenith Bank’s mobile money platform is a payment solution that will allow customers make withdrawals, make deposits, transfer funds, pay bills, make purchases and top up airtime from their mobile wallet using their mobile phones.

How it works?

Like a bank account, a virtual account (mobile wallet) is created for the subscriber; the mobile number will be the account number. Payment for goods and services, cash withdrawals and deposits can be done from this mobile number through an AGENT or a Bank branch.

Features include:

• Cash-in (Load m-wallet or deposit money into the account) at any Bank branch or easy money Agent.

• Transfer money from an m-wallet to another m-wallet.

• Transfer money from bank account to m-wallet.

• Transfer from bank account to bank account (Within Zenith): all you need is the account number

• Transfer money from m-wallet to bank account.

• Transfer money to unregistered subscribers.

• Cash-out (withdraw from m-wallet) at any Bank branch or easy money Agent.

• Check balance and statement summary.

Zenith Bank eaZymoney(圖4)-速報App

• Buy airtime

• Pay utility bills.

Zenith Bank eaZymoney(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad